Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Buy Goji Juice

Goji juice is an ancient Chinese secret that has only recently been introduced to the rest of the world. Also known as wolf berries and lycium barbarum, goji juice has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine to treat many ailments, and improve many different aspects of life.

What is Goji Juice?

Goji juice is made from goji berries, which grow on a deciduous woody perennial shrub. There are over 40 different types of goji berry plants growing in many different parts of the world. However, the most powerful goji juice is made from the berries found in China, Tibet, and the Himalayas. Practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine consider this fruit to be the most nutritious and beneficial of all the thousands of foods and herbs used to naturally treat and heal patients.

In the western world goji berries have been given the label of "superfood". This is a class of exotic foods and herbs that have significantly more health benefits that the foods we usually eat in our everyday diets. Some other super foods include the acai fruit, mangonsteen, noni, and cacao.

The closest taste I can compare goji to is cranberries. However, goji berries are slightly less sweet than cranberries, and taste a little more earthy. One comparison I have often heard used is that they taste like a mixture between cranberries and and cherries. The Tibetan variety is not only known to be the most nutritious, but also the sweetest. When you buy goji juice it will usually be naturally sweetened, which makes for a very tasty beverage. I prefer the taste over cranberry, grape, or cherry juice, and would drink it over those even if it did not contain so many health benefits.

Why Should I Buy Goji Juice?

There are some amazing benefits of goji berry juice. It is certainly a super fruit, simply for the reason that it outclasses many other fruits and vegetables for what they are known best for. The juice packs more vitamin C than oranges, more beta carotene than carrots, and more iron than spinach. It also contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, and E which are not usually found in fruits.

Another unique nutrition fact about goji juice is that it contains 18 of the 20 different types of natural amino acids, this includes all 8 of the essential amino acids (essential amino acids are the ones our bodies do not produce themselves. We need to get these from outside sources). It also contains 21 different trace minerals.

One of the main reasons so many people are buying goji juice is because of its high antioxidant levels. Antioxidants fight off and prevent the oxidation that free radicals cause on our cells. Free radicals are naturally caused by cells normal activities, and this cell damage leads to aging, a weakened immune system, and other diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

You have probably heard doctors recommend drinking one glass of red wine per day. This is because red wine contains a good amount of antioxidants. When it comes to the amount of antioxidants a normal person needs, most of us only get between 10-25% of the daily recommended intake. It is not that hard to convince people to drink wine, so that is one way people have been getting their daily allotment. However, goji juice simply blows red wine (and other high antioxidant foods such as prunes, pomegranates, and blueberries) out of the water. One small serving of goji berry juice can provide 3x-10x the amount antioxidants available in the previously mentioned foods.

Adding these extra antioxidants to your diet can help promote healthier skin and hair, give you extra energy, and strengthen your immune system. People who consume high levels of antioxidants report a significantly better quality of life. Goji juice is an easy and delicious way to make this happen.

One thing that sets goji juice apart from many other health foods is its facilitation of the release of natural HGH. HGH, or Human Growth Hormone, is a peptide hormone that stimulates growth and cell reproduction. You have probably heard of professional athletes taking Human Growth Hormone to get a leg up on their competition. Increasing the levels of natural HGH your body produces can increase vitality and energy, help you look and feel more youthful, allow your body to heal faster, and reduce body fat. Unlike synthetic HGH that the pro athletes use, goji juice HGH is all natural and safe.

Have There Been Any Studies On Goji Juice?

In 1994 a study done by the Chinese Journal of Oncology concluded that 79 people with cancer who consumed goji juice responded better to treatment than those who did not. Since the goji berry has been part of Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years, most of the studies on its health benefits have been conducted in China. Other Chinese research studies have shown goji juice to inhibit LDL (bad cholesterol), improve the immune system, and that it allows your body to recover faster from fatigue.

What Are The Side Effects of Goji Juice

Since we live in a world of synthetic cures and pharmaceutical medicine we often assume that anything that will help us become healthier will also come with some adverse side effects. Since goji juice is a natural product it is very unlikely to cause any side effects. It's really not much different than drinking orange juice or apple juice (just a lot healthier). However, if you are on prescription medicines you should always contact your doctor to check for any possible reactions.

The only negative case I have heard was the case of a woman taking coumadin, or better known as Warfarin. It was said that the combination of that drug and goji led to episodes of bleeding. However, this seems like a very isolated problem and thousands of other people have taken the juice everyday without incident.

Drinking goji juice is an easy way for anyone to improve their overall health. You do not have to be a total health freak or organic food convert (although those things would not hurt) to enjoy the benefits of goji juice. You can feel comfortable knowing that these benefits are coming from an all natural healthy source, instead of from a lab where you never know what side effects will happen down the line.