Monday, January 5, 2009

What Are The Benefits of Goji Berry Juice

Goji juice is one of the hottest and most talked about products in the health food industry, but what are the benefits of goji berry juice?

Well, the most talked about and sought after benefit of goji berry juice is its strong antioxidant profile. Goji juice contains at least 5x the antioxidants of other common foods that have been previously saluted for their high antioxidant content. These include blueberries, prunes, red wine, and green tea. Getting a high amount of antioxidants on a daily basis can help you lead a longer, more youthful, life and can help ward off many different diseases.

Li Ching-Yuen, who lived to be 256 (the oldest ever in recorded history), was said to eat goji berries, along with other longevity herbs, on a daily basis. Many other herbalists followed Li Ching-Yuen's example, making goji berries a staple in Traditional Chinese Medicine. In Traditional Chinese Medicine it is used to boost the immune system, raise sperm counts, improve circulation, and strengthen eyesight.

One interesting benefit of goji juice is that it helps facilitate the release of natural HGH. HGH is a natural hormone that stimulus growth and cell reproduction. Many people are taking synthetic HGH supplements to improve performance in sports, reduce fat and gain muscle, and keep their mind and body in its prime no matter what age they are. However, there can be some side effects of taking synthetic version of HGH, so it is best if you can increase your HGH production naturally. There are very few ways for humans to naturally increase how much HGH they produce, and drinking goji juice is one of them.

Goji juice is also a remarkably good source of many vitamins and minerals. It contains 11 essential and 22 trace minerals. It has more vitamin C than oranges, more beta-carotene than carrots, and more iron than a big juicy steak. It also contains 112mg of calcium per 100 grams of berries.

Another unique benefit of goji berry juice is that it contains 18 different amino acids, including all the essential amino acids.

A study on rats showed that goji berries help combat insulin resistance (another name for diabetes). Some other benefits that have been attributed to goji are; an increase in sexual libido and fertility, regulation of blood pressure, an increased resistance to diseases, and an improvement in digestion.

As you can see there are so many benefits of goji juice, that nearly everyone will gain from drinking it regularly. It is an easy and delicious way to add some much needed nutrition into your life.

1 comment:

  1. This is something nice and something that can help a lot! Thank you for posting.

    benefit of goji berry
